SPORTENG specialises in the planning, design and construction phase consulting services of Fields of Play across all sports in Australia. Our experienced team all contribute towards designing high-quality Fields of Play for all levels of use.


Ball stop fences prevent sporting balls from leaving the Field of Play, generally for the safety of spectators and to stop the public getting involved in the game. Whether it’s a chain-link backstop fence for baseball or soft netting behind AFL goal posts, ball stop fencing is an important element of any sporting facility.


Our technical expertise underpins all our projects, and we are regularly called upon to work on projects of high significance.

No matter if you’re a governing body or a local school, you will benefit from a sports field that puts the athlete first.

SPORTENG projects run on time and on budget due to our team’s comprehensive 3D design work, exceptional engineering expertise, agronomic and irrigation consultation, along with clear on-site direction.

Our Design Approach

SPORTENG lives and breathes fields of play. We take our love of the game from the grandstand right into our office. We’re proud to be Australia’s leading Field of Play design consultancy.


Our attention to detail is reflected in our mantra, ‘measure twice, cut once’.

We’re dedicated to achieving the best results for your venue and its athletes, whether it’s a local legend or the next international star.

When we install ball-stop fences, we consider their primary ball-stopping role and their relationship with the Field of Play perimeter fence, as well as other infrastructure such as footpaths, carparks and pavilions.

When you include ball stop fences in your facility, it will improve the functionality of the game and ensure the safety of the general public.

Sustainability Practices


Here at SPORTENG, we take a sustainable approach to all our designs. Not happy with just the status quo, we always strive to investigate new designs and construction techniques that deliver positive environmental outcomes.

We believe sustainability is intertwined with sports greatness.

As part of this, we integrate your requirements, from budget to performance values, through to sustainability practices – this ensures we achieve a successful result.

Our sustainability approach for designing ball stop fences is ensuring the fence is durable and can withstand the intended level of use. Prioritising the longevity of the fence minimises maintenance and reconstruction works.

The SPORTENG team considers the whole-of-life cycle at every stage of design and construction. We make sure that a sustainable end-product starts at the beginning of design.



Here at SPORTENG, we pride ourselves on a reliable design process for all products. As such, this is what the design process for a ball stop fence looks like:

  • Identifying the best location will determine the wind loads that will apply to the fence.
  • Examining ground conditions and learning about the geotechnical properties of the existing site soils will influence the type and extent of footings required.
  • Knowing the extent of length and height of the fence will influence the structural design of the fence post and footings.
  • Integrating the ball stop net within the facility is important to ensure the functionality of the fence does not impact negatively on other elements within the site.