Melbourne, VIC
Maroondah City Council
Athletics | Athletics tracks
Developed in the 1980s, the AC Robertson athletics track and field facility at Proclamation Park has been heavily utilised not only by the associated club but local schools and the community. It’s home today to the Ringwood Athletic Club, the Ringwood Little Athletic Club and the Ringwood Professional Athletic Club.
Because of its popularity, the facility needed to be upgraded to meet the sport governing bodies requirements, as well as answering the sporting needs for its community. That’s why the original brief included the redevelopment of the facility to ensure compliance was met, and included some new features such as:
An additional 2-lanes to the front straight,
The redevelopment of the long/triple jump facility,
The conversion of the high-jump fan into a full D.
Athletics tracks need to be millimeter perfect to comply with World Athletics requirements. Distances and levels need to be precise and within very tight construction tolerances (i.e. +/- 6mm under a 3m straight edge). Designing new tracks is often a lot easier than trying to redevelop an existing track and retain sections of it.
The AC Robertson athletics track at Proclamation Park didn’t comply with the level tolerances dictated by World Athletics so the levels along the inner kerb had to be adjusted to comply.
On the other hand, the additional 2-lanes on the front straight were restricted by the space available for the redevelopment of the long/triple jump facility adjacent to the straight.
When redeveloping the facility, we observed that the variation in vertical levels along the longitudinal length of the track were too great. We had to reconstruct the inner kerbs to obtain a constant level. Also, because the adjustment to the inner kerb had a flow on effect with the outer kerb levels, some areas needed to be reconstructed or flatter cross-falls being accepted.
The use of staggered long/triple jump pits helped to minimise the overall width of the facility and fit within the existing fence line.
During the Construction Phase Consulting Services, we noticed that the existing pavement make-up of the high jump fan, which was to be converted to a full D, wasn’t in line with the geotechnical investigation findings. Therefore, the pavement had additional remediation works undertaken.
In combination with the new pavilion that was constructed at the same time, AC Robertson is a fantastic facility that is popular with both existing and new members of its home clubs. Most importantly the athletics facility obtained Class 2 certification ensuring it complied with World Athletics requirements.
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2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games development
Location : Gold Coast, QLD
Scope : Athletics | Stadium | Natural Turf | AFL
Year : 2017-2018
Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre Athletics Track Redevelopment
Location : Mt Gravatt, QLD
Scope : Athletics | State Government
Year : 2015-2017
Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Tracks
Location : Sydney, NSW
Scope : Athletics | Sporting Body
Year : 2015-2016